Original Fine Art Painting by Jodee Huish


Colored Ink & Oil Painting on Canvas 48”x60” Fine Art Painting Contact for Price of Original & Availability

Eve was cast out of the lush, vibrant garden and into a world of dust and thorns. Her journey, much like your own, began in a barren land—dry, harsh, and unforgiving. But here’s the miracle: even in the desert, beauty blooms. In full bloom, you are radiantly shining your witness, surrounded by others standing resiliently in your corner.

Each of us, in our own way, is exiled from the gardens of ease, given barren land, and yet still called to grow and flourish. The cactus, like us, survives where others might wither. It draws strength from The Living Water deep within the earth, blossoming despite the odds. The blooms are a symbol of hope, reminding us that even in the driest seasons of life, there is the promise of growth, beauty, and renewal.

Eve’s story didn’t end with her exile—it was only the beginning of her transformation. And just like her, you are meant to make your desert blossom, to thrive in the places where you’re planted, no matter how barren they may seem.

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